Specificat ions
R.C.C. Frame structure External wall 6” thick brick
masonry in 1:6 cement mortar. Internal and party walls 4 1/2” thick brick
masonry in 1:4 cement mortar.
12mm thick smooth plain plaster internal finish.
Sand faced cement plaster and architectural finish in exterior.
Doors and Windows:
Doors is moulded/flush with good quality fixture
and fixed with precast R.C.C. Frame. We provide MS windows with glass panels.
Ceramic tile flooring with 50 mm width skirting for
all rooms. Common area with kota stone. Glazed tiles dado of WC and bath. 1200
mm height in WC and 2100 mm in bath with anti-skid tiles for floor.
Kitchen platform with green marble top. Glazed
ceramic tiles dado above platform up to 2’ ht. and stainless steel sink.
Bath and Toilets:
Standard white sanitary wares will be provided.
Standard C.P. Fitting, will be provided.
Concealed copper wiring with 3.5 points in each
room and 3 power points will be provided. ISI marks quality fitting like anchor
or equivalent is used. Protection for safety from electrical hazard will be
provided. Common lighting will be provided.
T.V. and Telephone:
Concealed cable wiring in drawing room.
Water Supply:
Provision of sump for 24 hr. water supply through
well or bore.
Oil bound distemper with all necessary base
preparation for internal plaster will be provided.